Nicotine is a yellowish liquid that’s colorless and oily. It’s found in tiny concentrations in the nightshade plant family (including eggplants and tomatoes). However, it’s found in massive amounts in tobacco. Nicotine is one of the most prevalent active components of tobacco and is commonly found in cigarettes. In small doses, nicotine acts as a stimulant. But in large amounts, it can block the functions of cells in the skeletal muscles and autonomic nervous system. Nicotine is considered harmful to the body.
Most people know about some of the most common side effects nicotine has. These include high blood pressure, nausea or upset stomach, constipation, dizziness, water eyes, headache and sore throat. However, what many don’t know is that nicotine has also been linked to hair loss. If you’re concerned about losing your hair, or if you’ve already noticed some patchiness or a receding hairline, it may be time to drop your nicotine habit for good.