People consider hair as one of their best traits and spend a lot of money on grooming and keeping their hair looking fabulous. Needless to say, it is stressful for people when they are experiencing hair thinning and hair loss and they cannot achieve the look that they are after. The thing is, hair is not an organ of vital importance for people so the body will not prioritize the hair when it does its nutrient distribution, or feel a threat due to hair loss. This means that you need to pay attention to these following things you probably were not aware of, but affect the health of your hair.
5 Things You Didnt Know About Hair Loss But Should
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5 Things You Didn't Know About Hair Loss
1. Seasonal hair loss is a thing
Even though most of the times hair loss is caused by genetics, skin conditions or poor hair care, some people also experience a phenomenon that is also known as seasonal hair loss. Scientists are not a 100% sure as to why this comes about. However, some scientific studies have shown that this type of hair loss that happens at a certain season only is due to some abnormalities of the levels of melatonin and prolactin. These abnormalities can cause changes in the hair cycle, mostly by prolonging the telogen phase. That is the time when the follicle releases the hair and becomes inactive for 3 months before the cycle of hair growth begins again. The secretion of melatonin and prolactin can be affected by the variations in the intensity of the sun’s rays and this is the thing that affects the follicles and makes the telogen phase last longer that the average of 3 months.
2. What you eat can affect your hair
We cannot stress enough the importance of a healthy and balanced diet when it comes to overall health. This goes for your hair as well as what you eat can either help your hair or prompt faster hair loss. Naturally the hair needs a lot of protein as the hair itself is made of a protein called keratin. A high protein diet can really improve the health of your hair, make it shinier and prevent hair loss. If you are suffering from hair loss try to gradually increase your protein intake in the form of fish, eggs and meat and you will most definitely notice a big difference. Something that you need to also pay attention to is your vitamin and mineral intake. Foods that are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E as well as magnesium, selenium, copper, iron and zinc are the best option. Nutritional deficiencies such as zinc or vitamin E deficiency can lead to hair loss, hair thinning or impede the hair growth.
3. Scratching causes damage, but massaging prompts growth
Scratching the head can cause serious damage as it traumatizes the scalp and hair. This goes particularly for people that have long nails and they use them to scratch their head. Scratching damages the hair follicles and can also add onto the hair loss and cause even hair thinning. On the other hand, massaging the scalp can boost the blood flow and strengthen the hair. Washing the hair regularly and keeping it clean is really important to keep it healthy and prevent itchiness of the scalp. Massaging the hair with the head with the tip of the fingers while washing is the proper way to get your scalp clean and your blood flow going. Gentle massages of the scalp with oils such as castor oil before bathing can also boost hair growth as they are rich in vitamin E and omega 3 acids. Also, we recommend massages with topicals such as Spectral. DNC-N for visible hair thinning as it not only provides deep follicle treatment that rejuvenates the follicles and boosts hair growth, and Spectral. CSF which is a product specialized for women and is specially developed according to unique female hair thinning factors such as follicular bulb size, hormonal fluctuations, skin sensitivity and styling practices.
4. Genes and hormonal disbalance are the most common causes for hair loss
Although hair loss can be caused by a lot of different factors, it mostly goes down to our genes and hormones. When it comes to men, hair loss is mostly genetically dictated. If some man has a family history of hair thinning and baldness of the men, then it is most likely a possibility that he will experience the same thing. In women, on the other hand, hair loss is mostly triggered by hormonal disbalance. Hair thinning is mostly noticed in women who are in post-menopause period, women who have just given birth etc, due to the major change in hormone levels. Also, this is noticed in women with higher levels of testosterone, such as women diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
5. Hair loss and thinning can by reduced and prevented by proper hair routine
Even though a lot of the times when people deal with hair loss they need to seek medical health in order to deal with conditions and hormonal disbalance, sometimes they are facing hair loss due to improper hair routine. What you do to your hair and apply to it on daily basis makes a really big difference. Washing the hair with hot water can be really damaging so it is recommended for the hair to be washed with lukewarm water. The type of shampoo also has a great impact. Mild and natural shampoos are the best as they retain a neutral pH value on the scalp. If you already experience hair loss, over the counter products can really change your life. One of the best shampoos on the market currently that are used to fight and prevent hair loss is the Revita shampoo. What makes it stand out is that it contains no phthalates, no Sodium Laureth Sulfate, no harsh chemicals and it is paraben free. It has proven to be so highly effective in stimulating hair growth and at the same time battling the side effects of aging, illness and stress that it is recommended by top dermatologists and hair professionals worldwide. It is at the same time a cleansing agent and strengthening the hair, and helps both men and women say goodbye to weak, thinning hair and bald spots.
'All DS Laboratories products go through clinical trials and studies. Please see our citations page here.'